


help - Print command’s usage and description


[1] help [<command-name>]


Without any argument the help command displays a brief description of all available commands (this manual). If a <command-name> is given as argument, the manual of the given command is displayed.


When typing commands in a terminal the <TAB> key allow you to complete the typing keyword and to display allowed arguments. Us it always to remember the syntax of commands.

In manuals, the syntax of command utilisation is given using some simple rules. When different choices are available the character | is used to separate choices. Parenthesis ( and ) are used to specify without any ambiguity the order of keywords and arguments. They are not part of the command. Optional arguments are given inside brackets [ and ].

Command names and keywords are given in bold. Arguments are in italic.

After reading an online command help, type "q" to quit the help command.


Here are a brief description of all available commands:

access - Manage remote accesses to the appliance

admin - Manage administration services and accesses

antivirus - Configure the antivirus

apply - Apply new settings

authenticate - Manage the Web access authentication

cache - Manage the persistent Web cache

cancel - Cancel new settings

clear - Clear the terminal screen

clock - Manage the internal clock’s date & time

conf - Manage the whole configuration

countrylist - Display valid country codes

dhcp - Manage the DHCP server

dns - Display, add or delete DNS (Domain Name Service) servers

domainname - Set or get the local domain name

email - Configure the administrator email account and email addresses to use.

embedded - Manage embedded applications

end - Mark the end of a template or gateway configuration context

error - Display descriptions of error codes returned by commands

exit - Exit the administration login

file - Load, save or clear all files related to the configuration

firewall - Configure the firewall

guard - Manage the URL guarding (filtering)

ha - Manage the High Availability

halt - Halt the Operating System

help - Print command’s usage and description

history - Display the command history list

hostname - Set or get the hostname

information - Display descriptions of information codes returned by commands

ip - Manage IP addresses and routing configurations

job - Print a report on the current running operation in background

keyboard - Set the key map for the console port

ldap - Perform LDAP actions

license - Display the CacheGuard-OS License Agreement

link - Manage L2 network interfaces

log - Manage Logs

manager - Configure a manager system

mode - Manage general features and functions

ntp - Manage the NTP configuration

password - Manage passwords

peer - Manage connected peer Web proxies

ping - Send ICMP packets to network hosts

port - Manage built-in service network listening TCP/UDP ports

qos - Manage the network QoS (Quality of Service)

reboot - Reboot the system

register - Manage the appliance S/N and license key registration

rweb - Manage the reverse Web mode (reverse proxy)

setup - Performs a basic startup configuration

sslmediate - Manage the SSL mediation

system - Manage the operating system

timezone - Set or get the local time zone

timezonelist - Display valid time zone codes

tls - Manage TLS (SSL) certificates and other components

traceroute - Trace the route to a host

transaction - Manage a set of commands as a single transaction

transparent - Manage the transparent Web proxy

tweb - Manage the transparent Web proxy

urllist - Manage URL lists

usleep - Suspend the execution of the calling thread for microseconds

vlan - Configure 802.1q VLANs (Virtual LANs)

vpnipsec - Manage IPsec VPN tunnels and networks

vrrp - Manage the VRRP configuration in HA mode

waf - Configure the Web Application Firewall (WAF)

warning - Display descriptions of warning codes returned by commands


CacheGuard Technologies Ltd <>

Send bug reports or comments to the above author.


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