User's Guide - Version UF-2.3.2

Date & Time

Many services in CacheGuard-OS such as, but not limited to, the Web caching, the antivirus and the URL guarding depend on the appliance internal clock. In addition, some periodic jobs should run during off-peak hours to do not penalize end users during business hours. That's whey setting the right date and time is essential to run CacheGuard-OS.

It is also important to note that the current real time on a CacheGuard appliance depends on the time zone in which you are. For instance, to setup the Berlin (in Germany) time zone, you can use the following command:

You can use the timezonelist command to get the list of all available time zones. The internal clock can be manually configured using the clock command or be automatically setup and maintained with the help of remote NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers.

Manual Setting

To manually setup the date & time use the clock <YYYY/MM/DD-hh:mm:ss> command where <YYYY/MM/DD-hh:mm:ss> is as follows: For instance, a valid date and time specifications can be: 2024/03/20-03:06:26.

NTP Servers

To maintain an accurate clock on a CacheGuard appliance, it is highly recommended to use secure and reliable NTP servers. For security reasons, we suggest that you rely on 3 NTP servers at least and always rely on a odd number of NTP servers offered by distinct providers. The ntp command allows you to manage NTP servers. For instance, To add an NTP server having the IP address, use the following commands: